Message Number: SG13190 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-03-22 01:10:22 UTC
Subject: Separation Anxiety or Underlying illness???
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Hello everyone. I have a male ferret named Cody, about 4 years old. This is=
a guess, because he has an unknown medical history. I adopted him from a f=
amily, who got him from a homeless man. Apparently he lived in his car with=
this ferret...sad huh? I took Cody in about 2 years ago and have never had=
any major health issues with him, besides some diarrhea when he first cam =
to live with me. I have never had blood tests ran on him, though I am begin=
ning to think is should soon given his approximate age. The vets have alway=
s given him a clean bill of health though. I have begun to worry about Cody=
lately though. All of my ferts have free roam of my bedroom and then they =
get to roam the house for a couple hours a day supervised. Lately Cody has =
taken up the habit of scratching the door of my room to hell when no one is=
around or late at night. And once you open it, he doesn't run off or anyth=
ing, he just stays at your feet. He gets so worked up when he is scratching=
away...he just shakes. Today he didhn't sleep for more than an hour or two=
, then he was up scratching away (my mom is home with my ferrets during the=
day when I am at school/work). The only way you can get him to stop is if =
you pick him up and cuddle him for awhile...then he goes to sleep. I haven'=
t really changed my life routine at all to warrant such a change in behavio=
r on Cody's part. It seems like he has separation anxiety or something. Has=
anyone had this problem before? Is it a sign of some underlying illness, o=
r is Cody just getting senial? I have always thought Cody to be a few fries=
short of a happy meal if you know what I mean, but he was never this bad b=
efore. Also, sometimes he shakes a bit when he walks and this makes him wob=
ble and become unsteady on his feet. Is that normal? I have two other ferre=
ts, one 3 year old female in perfect health (knock on wood) and another 5 y=
ear old adrenal male. I just worry that my luck with ferret illnesses is ru=
nning out and Cody is going to come down with some problem, as I know he is=
older in years. Does anyone have any advice for me? I really appreciate it=
. Thanks alot!


End of ferrethealth Digest