Message Number: SG13205 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-03-22 21:06:31 UTC
Subject: RE: Separation Anxiety or Underlying illness???
Message-ID: <>

I would make an appointment with a vet to make sure there is no medical problem.

However, My boy does the scratching thing on the carpet and door and he has seperation anxiety. He used to panic at night if he didn't know where I was. I had to keep his cage by my bed at night. Now he's bonded to his sister and so long as his sister is there, he's ok.

My girl gets the shakes when she gets excited. Sometimes it's something as simple as me refilling her food dish. Other times it's when she gets out to play. (Mine don't have free run. When they are awake I let them out but when they sleep/nap they go back in their cage.) The vet said everything is ok, she just gets over excited.