Message Number: SG13336 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-04-04 06:41:26 UTC
Subject: RE: Wanted: "Ferret nutrition" (Judith Bell) / "Ferret oncology "(Antinoff, Hahn)
Message-ID: <>

Hi Sukie and everyone else,I'm so sorry for not making this more clear. It=
was not my intention to violate copyrights or to displease the people who =
worked hard in order to write these articles. As a reponse to your mail ab=
ove:> In a note I just received the coorespondent says that these >should b=
e able to be found, or gotten through interlibrary >loans at a medical univ=
eristy or at the vet school libraries >in Brussels or Gent.Unfortunately I =
have already tried this. I am at the University of Ghent myself, they don'=
t have it there. And I didn't have any succes with the interlibrary loans =
(IBL) either. (There is no vetschool in Brussels btw, only in Ghent and Li=
=E8ge, and partly in Anwerp ;-))> PLEASE, note that I have just been inform=
ed by someone in the >know that sharing the paper by Dr. Schoemaker for fre=
e WOULD >be likely to be considered an UNappreciated copyright >violation, =
that this publication is normally sold.Last year I was able to follow some =
extracurricular courses given by Dr. Schoemaker himself. Although I alread=
y had the pdf-version of this through the university-library, I still bough=
t the book-form of it. I got both copies legally. As for the Vetclinics-a=
rticles, I have gotten these through a temporarily online-subscription I on=
ce had. So these are also obtained legally.My only purpose was: to finally=
be able to read these articles entirely and if there were some other poor =
vetstudents (or others) out there that have it and could use one of the art=
icles I have, to trade them, so that we're both happy. >(Of course, my fir=
st assumption on reading the original post >may be correct and the post may=
refer only to legally owned >copies of articles being traded or loaned, bu=
t if there was a >lack of understanding about copyright at least people now=
are >reminded so they can act accordingly and respectfully.)I can honestly=
say that your first assumption really IS the correct one!So sorry, once ag=
ain!Wendy[Moderator's Note: I so love it when the first good assumption is=
the right one. Still, there may be some people here who didn't know about=
copyrights so at least they know now. BTW, Dr. Judi Bell has offered to s=
end a reprint to Wendy. I also love it when kind actions and good intentio=
ns cause a person to receive kind actions with good intentions.] =