Message Number: SG13345 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-04-05 19:52:37 UTC
Subject: RE: air cleaners: making sure they don''t damage lungs
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Searching on

ozone ferret

I find a LOT of URLs including

> Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med., Volume 162, Number 3, September 2000, 115=

>Ozone-induced Epithelial Injury in the Ferret Is Similar to Nonhuman Prima=
tes =


>Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Cell Biology and California Regional=
Primate Research Center, University of California, >Davis, California =

>Extrapolation to humans from rodent ozone exposure is limited by the anato=
mic differences between the species. Ferrets have similar >pulmonary struct=
ures to humans, with well developed respiratory bronchioles and submucosal =
glands. We exposed adult ferrets, >monkeys, and rats to 1=A0ppm ozone (O3) =
or filtered air for 8=A0h followed by 1=A0h in filtered air. Bronchoalveola=
r lavage (BAL) analysis, >histopathology, and confocal microscopy were used=
to evaluate ozone-induced epithelial injury and inflammation. BAL showed >=
significantly increased numbers of neutrophils in ozone-exposed as compared=
with filtered air ferrets, monkeys, and rats. However, >there were 3-=A0to=
4-fold more neutrophils in monkeys and ferrets per milliliter of BAL than =
in rats. Ozone-exposed lungs showed a >severe, acute infiltration of neutro=
>We conclude that acute ozone exposure in ferrets induce severe epithelial =
necrosis and inflammation, results in similar epithelial injury >compared w=
ith monkeys, and represents a better model of humans than rodents.

The pdf download is available.

In 1998, volume 9, no. 4 in this AFA URL:

Freddie Ann Hoffman, a pediatrician, has an article on the risks of ozone

>Environ Res. 1991 Jun;55(1):79-90.

>Effects of ozone on the cholinergic secretory responsiveness of ferret tra=
cheal glands.

>McBride RK, Oberdoerster G, Marin MG.

>Department of Medicine, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Den=
tistry, New York 14642-8692.

>Oxidant air pollutants exacerbate several pulmonary diseases. Inhalation o=
f ozone has been shown to induce airway smooth muscle >hyperresponsiveness.=
Oxidant injury could also affect airway secretory mechanisms
>These experiments suggest that oxidant injury not only increases basal sec=
retion of respiratory glycoconjugates but also increases >tracheal gland se=
nsitivity to a cholinergic agonist.

then hitting =

"Related Articles" there pulls up 129 articles, not all of them work in fer=
rets but those are included in the ones listed.
