Message Number: SG13448 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Caitlyn Martin
Date: 2005-04-13 00:44:10 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] update of big Al
Message-ID: <>

Hi, Julie, and everyone else,

> I need
> to find the Bob Church's recipe, so any one knows
> where I can get I would appreciate it.

I find it much easier to make using Pam Sessoms'
pressure cooker method.

> For right now we are holding off on the surgery, two
> reason, my vet wants him to get his strength back up

That makes a whole lot of sense.

> and see how he does on the meds

That does as well.

> I want to get better finically prepared.

That I understand but if your vet gets to the point
where he or she feels surgery for Big Al is urgent see
if you can work out a payment plan. The longer you go
the more advanced the disease will become and the
surgery may have less value than if done earlier. I'm
not saying to rush into this. Getting his strength up
is really important. I am saying that this is
something that you should consider if and when your
vet feels it's time.

All the best to you and to Big Al.

Caity and the fearsome fivesome

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