Message Number: SG13478 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-04-14 22:42:00 UTC
Subject: cardiomyopathy/adrenal disease
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I took my ferret, Harry, in to a great vet to have adrenal surgery and a ma=
st cell tumor removed. Dr. XXXX x-rayed him and did blood work first. One=
x-ray looked like Harry had cardiomyopathy, and so he retook it, and the n=
ext one looked ok. But Harry does have an arithmya (sorry if spelling is w=
rong!) so the vet was afraid to trust the "good" x-ray. He said I could ta=
ke him to a cardiologist, to determine if surgery was safe or not, but righ=
t now, I cannot afford to do so. He sent us home with lacix, and I did have=
a melatonin implant and lupron injected as well(I drove 3 hours for this v=
et, and the implant was 1/3 the cost I paid here for another ferret I have)=
. I have been trying to figure out what to do and read alot on Miami Ferre=
t and other places on adrenal and cardiomyopathy, and I feel pretty discour=
aged. I just lost my sweet pug dog last week, and right now feel kind of h=
opeless with Harry. I read a lengthy posting by Bob Churh on adrenal, and =
it was saying if the ferret is 4 yrs (Harry will be 4 next month) that surg=
ery only adds a little bit of time for them. Then the articles on cardiomy=
opathy were saying by the time it is detectable it is advanced, and they do=
n't live long. I was hoping somebody out there could encourage me. I alre=
ady give Harry vit. C and CQ10, and occasionally vit. E. He gets "porridege=
" every day of gerber turkey w/vits and minerals and ferretzyme. I always =
also added Timmy's Tonic until I asked on here about it and was told it cou=
ld cause heart problems. :-( Am I looking at losing another baby soon? Har=
ry is a real special guy. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Mare =