Message Number: SG13565 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Susie Hayes
Date: 2005-04-21 22:02:10 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Little Bandit
Message-ID: <>

Some one just told me this after noon I should have Bandit put to sleep cause he had to many health problems.. all I could do is just hold him and cry wishing i could get him well.. and i dont have the heart to put him down.. Susan

Susie Hayes <> wrote:Debbi,
On the bottle here it says BUTLER
HYDRO-B 1020
ITS a very small clear bottle with red lettering then in rel tiny black lettering it says for topcal treatment for the relife of discomfort caused by inflamatory prlarits in dogs its very hard to read i think i spilled it right. then under it it says vet use only.. when i put it on Bandit he trys to get away from me he trys to bite me and hisses somtimes it stings the hell out of him i belive.. Susan now this is got me worried again