Message Number: SG13593 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Dr. Deb Sell"
Date: 2005-04-23 19:11:50 UTC
Subject: Transfer Factor...anyone use them for your ferrets?
Message-ID: <>

Just wondering. They have been all the rage for a few years in the
canine and equine world.

With all the health problems that ferrets get, I would think this would
be a great product as it really gives the immue system a boost.


[Moderator's Notes: What are the ingredients? Not all of the non-standard products
which have been promoted for ferrets have had safe ingredients for their use so that
is important to know beforehand and then run it past a vet before use.

Also, remember that "boosting the immune system" isn't necessarily a good thing.
What part of the immune system and how? There are a number of serious and
damaging health effects of an immune system being more active or wrongly active.
For example: the damage of ECE is due to the immune system leaving plaques.
Fatal allergic reactions are another immune system overreaction (in that case by the
wrong part of the immune system). Autoimmune Anemia, which is is typically fatal
is just just one of the autoimmune probelms a ferret can get. At least one of the
vets currently studying the new mystery disease/DIM thinks that an over response
by the immune system is a large part of the problem. Cytokene Storms have been
thought to be responsible for deaths in many types of diseases in many types of
mammals, including for the disproportionately large number of young people who
died of the 1918 influenza epidemic.]