Message Number: SG13668 | New FHL Archives Search
From: autumn_whispers2me
Date: 2005-04-30 17:50:47 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] RE: Ferret Behavior, Stress and Depression
Message-ID: <>

These guys get lots of attention (I'm always home...). People always say, "Good thing
you don't have a job!" lol It's true. Most of my day is dealing with them. :o)

Peanut isn't easily distracted---not at all in fact. I've tried distracting her with toys,
even rolls of paper towels (with the end dangling.. which gets everyone's attention but
hers). She's a little sweetheart, but I have to put her in the cage if I play in the room
with the others because she wont even let me hold her long before she's kicking and
squirming to get down. If she's not already in a room playing she'll sit on my shoulder
and walk around with me. But she definitely doesn't like her territory invaded at all.