Message Number: SG13727 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-05-05 01:59:51 UTC
Subject: RE: [ferrethealth] Amoxicillin - what makes ferrets like it so much?
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Thank you I will do that. First I have to find a compounding pharmacy. But I gave
Meeka some 50/50 Ferratone/Virgin Olive Oil in a syringe and that seemed to take the
edge off. Of course, then I had to give it to the other two as well. But I'm going to
keep giving them their Ferratone treat in a syringe so that they associate that image
with good stuff. Should make giving medicine in the future less of a traumatic
experience I would think.

Thanks for everybody's input on this. I've now thrown away the Amoxicillin that was
done up on April 8th and feel much better about this.
