Message Number: SG13991 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-05-17 19:14:49 UTC
Subject: 2nd post-Please help with Farras histo path
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Farra had surgery one week ago today, to remove a mass that tripled in 3 weeks in
her umbilical area. Please help with Farra's histopath report. What course of action
should be taken. My vet says that firbosarcomas are not curable in humans or
animals. How long will she live and what can I expect?

Thanks so much,
Lynn Barker

Microscopic description
A single specimen of haired skin and subcutis is evaluated. Within the subcutis,
there is a circumscribed, partially pseudoencapsulated, highly cellular neoplasm,
that extends to the deep margins in the evaluated section. The mass consists of
pleomorphic, neoplastic spindle -shaped to polygonal cells which form sheets,
lobules, and interlacing bundles/fascicles, supported by scant collagenous stroma.
Neoplastic cells have variable eosinophilic, fibrillar to vascuolated cytoplasm,
indefinate borders, and irregular oval nuclei with vesicular chromatin and multiple
prominent irregular nucleoli. Mitotic figures are common, avaeraging up to 3 miotic
figures/high-powered field in some fields, there are focal areas of intratumoral
stromal edema, and in one region, neoplastic cells appear to infiltrate and seperate
clusters of polygonal highly vacoular epithelial cells/adipocytes

Subcutaneous mass: spindle cell sarcoma, malignant, features suggestive of
malignant fibrosarcoma or malignant leiomyosarcoma excision appears incomplete

It could not be dtermined whether this represents an intermediate to high grade
malignant leiomyosarcoma, possibly of mammary gland origin, or whether it
represents a subcutaneous malignant fibrosarcoma. regardless, this appears to be
an at least intermediate grade malignancy and excision appears incomplete in the
evaluated section