Message Number: SG14071 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-05-25 01:43:55 UTC
Subject: Need a vet to help - anaphylactic shock questions
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I have a vet that needs help. She does my ferret vaccinations, but I was made aware that she does not know what to do for my ferret if it has a reaction.

I need to give her the information - what to give and the doses (I am assuming Epinephrine) and such after such a reaction. I run a rescue and we cannot afford anyone but her. She is willing to learn but wants us to provide her the information (she is only our vaccination vet - not for anything else, because she is a cat/dog vet).

I have been told they need epi and then possibly subcutaneous fluids...and lastly benadryl...I am not a vet and I thusly cannot possibly begin to get her the information. I only need a kind vet to pass along the information to her; if anyone is willing or knows a vet who will do this, please contact me; I can get the fax number or number to the vet. Thank you and I will be eternally grateful!