Message Number: SG14155 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Debbie Hunton
Date: 2005-05-31 19:42:24 UTC
Subject: Info Needed on Heliobactor, Metronidazole
To: Ferret Health List <>
Message-ID: <>


This is my first post to the FHL, and I am looking for
some information which I think is fairly detailed, but
which may be simple for you guys.

My ferret was recently lethargic, I posted to the FML
for advice and took her to the vet. The vet checked
blood glucose, and said she most likely doesn't have
insulinoma (80). She may have a flare-up of
heliobactor, or another infection (like a stomach

The vet gave her metronidazole... 200 mg tablets
(quantity 2), suspended in a chicken-flavor liquid,
0.3 cc every 24 hours. She also did a full blood
panel. The results came back the next day, and her
only concern was that the RBC count was somewhat low
(34 instead of 43, she said on the phone) but the
blood protein level was normal. She wanted to do a
re-check in a week (which is today).

My little weasel (<g>) is doing very, very, very well
- she is up and running around like she was never
sick. Seriously, she runs around as long during her
out time as she ever did, and jumps on her brother,
the whole range of activity. She is fighting us
majorly on taking her medicine in the morning.

I have a call in to the vet, but haven't heard back,
and may not hear today.

So, I'm asking you all for your comments (while
waiting for the call from the vet)... How long will
she need to take the medicine? Is a secondary blood
test necessary (the first was traumatic for her)? Any
other comments?

Thanks for anything you have to share.
