Message Number: SG14249 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Sue Liszewski"
Date: 2005-06-06 03:43:26 UTC
Subject: RE: [ferrethealth] blindness
Message-ID: <BAY104-F1048DDBEDC1447E72DEEAEDCFB0@phx.gbl>

Could be retinal degeneration or detachment. In either case not good. Also
check for cataracts. Good Luck, but perhaps you can work with her to get
her used to things. All the best.
Dr. Sue

>Subject: [ferrethealth] blindness
>Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 04:35:12 +0100 (BST)
>Hi everyone. I am emailing the group tonight with a question about
>blindness. My sweet baby Lucille lost her eye sight today very suddenly.
>I searched the archives for information and did not seem to come up with
>Lucille, is a silver mitt roan, five yars old and very healthy.
>This morning when we put the ferrets in there room to play all was fine.
>This afternoon when we checked on them everyone was happy and bouncing
>This eveing when we let them out to play in the rest of the house, we
>instantly noticed that she was bumping into the walls and in search of
>familiarity. She jumps when we pick her up and smells us real quick but
>then settles down.
>We don't use any chemicals in there play room, as we steam everything with
>hand held steamers and floor steamers, so there should not be any toxin in
>which she was exposed to. The other two ferrets are there usual self other
>than Jasper whom seems to know that Lucille is not the same.
>I will call my vet tomorrow AM but was wondering if anyone had any advice
>or information they can share on this situation.
>Sincerely, a very worried and heartbroken Mom and Dad,
>Tina and Bill
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