Message Number: SG14512 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "US7"
Date: 2005-06-26 19:31:35 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] Insulinoma - Diazoxide
To: <>
Message-ID: <>

When Puff was in the last stages of insulinoma, Diazoxide didn't work very =
well. She was much more lethargic on it, and for some reason seemed to have=
more frequent seizures. What eventually worked was giving her more sugars =
(Ensure, Nutrical, ect..), along with the meat baby food. The seizures all =
but stopped. I want to note, however, that my wife fed her every three hour=
s, round the clock for the last six months of Puff's life. My wife is a ver=
y special lady ;)

Puff also enjoyed her diet much better in the last days, while taking Diazo=
xide was very stressful for her. She hated taking it with a passion. She wa=
s also less lethargic. Someone on this list suggested trying this approach,=
and it really worked out well for Puff. Her quality of life improved drama=

She eventually died when a tumor burst in her lungs. We had to put her down=
at that point because she was struggling to breathe. I really think that i=
f her cancer hadn't metastized and caused this problem in her lungs, she wo=
uld have lived months longer.

Albuquerque, NM

---------- Original Message ----------
To: (
From: (

:I have been told about Diazoxide (Proglycem) by a friend, but neither of m=
y:vets has used this drug to treat insulinoma. Has anyone had success with=
:this drug? What dose did you start your ferret one? Has anyone had any:=
success with another drug?