Message Number: SG14531 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-06-27 17:59:53 UTC
Subject: glucose 500+, wasting, grouchy...diabetes?
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a gal called the other day to discuss her ferret's recent behavior. he's t=
he last of a foursome; the others have all reached old age and passed, with=
the last one going about 2 months ago. since the pal's death, this 3 year=
old, who weighed nearly 4 pounds when "healthy," has become depressed, gro=
uchy and has lost much weight. he's down to 1.4# now. mom reports he's be=
en pouting, biting mom and dad to draw blood on occasion, and being fussy w=
ith his food. she feeds iams kitten, sun seed and kit-n-kaboodle. he's be=
en picking out the last food for the past few days at least (yes, we've dis=
cussed better chow). saturday he went to the vet and as you might expect, =
the vet checked his glucose level looking for insulinoma. the reading was =
over 500! the vet started him on insulin. the first shot was saturday and=
the second yesterday, with another coming today. i didn't get the details=
on the insulin. in any case, yesterday the ferret was feeling MUCH happie=
r, not biting and eating everything in sight! =

i looked up diabetes in the database but couldn't find much. the vet wants=
to re-check critters glucose every week for 6 weeks, with the insulin shot=
s continuing. what should they be finding on these checks? and is there a=
ny other testing that could confirm that the ferret indeed has diabetes? i=
always thought diabetes was unheard of in ferrets...from my searching, i n=
ow know it's at least possible. :) dr. murray mentioned possible adrenal =
causes. the ferret doesn't have symptoms...but i wonder if perhaps he's ju=
st not showing symptoms (yet)? i wonder if perhaps a melatonin implant mig=
ht address the potentially unknown adrenal disease, which could be causing =
the diabetes? or are there other causes that may be determined another way=
? =

the vet this gal took the ferret to is sort of infamous around these parts.=
i hear 8 poor comments to every positive, so i'm concerned perhaps the ve=
t is once again making stuff up (sometimes the diagnoses are SO wacky from =
this vet)! ha! =


motor city ferrets

