Message Number: SG14545 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Leslie Cucino
Date: 2005-06-28 01:19:10 UTC
Subject: Shared viruses between ferts, humans and other domestics???
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Hi all,

I was just wondering if anyone out there has an opinion on this, (known
facts would be great).

About 2.5 weks ago I came down with what appeared to be an intestinal flu
bug. My brother in law had it, his wife and kids had it. They were sick with
vomiting for about 24-48 hours. I **thought** I had the same thing, but I
have an iron constitution and my problem lies in the other end and has
lasted 2.5 weeks.

At the same time I came down with this, one of my ferts started with
diarrhea, yellow frothy stuff, that lasted about a day. It has since made
it's way through 90% my fuzzy population (8 out of 10 have had it) and now
one of my dogs is vomiting. No one seems outwardly ill, all the animals are
eating and acting fine. My appetite is good, but I've had daily bouts of
nausea and it seems the ferts and definitely the dog is having this too. No,
I'm not pregnant, been there, done that, got the battle scars to prove it.

I am really curious to know if humans and their fuzzy counterparts can share
some of the same bugs like they do the flu?? Is this something I should be
concerned about, or just wait for it to pass? Each day I feel better and as
I said, it seems to pass in the fuzzys rather quickly.
