Message Number: SG14861 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-07-30 17:14:56 UTC
Subject: RE: Inner eyelids and lymphoma
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If the lids can't be closed his eyes should be kept moist for comfort. Artificial tears can be used for ferrets many times a day, just as they are for ferrets whose tear glands don't work. These are NOT the same as Visine or a number of other products so look for the packaging to specifically say "Artificial Tears". I do not know if protective gels such as Refresh PM can be used for ferret eyes. Duolube makes a similar product with different proportions but I don't know if any minor ingredients differ. Ask your vet first to be safe. The ingredients of Refresh PM are sterile mineral oil, sterile white petrolatum and lanolin alcohol. If that can be used the ferret's vision will be blurry but it may already be blurry or may be gone, and these products do provide comfort. There is a sort of "halfway products which may be easier to get into the ferret's eyes than the thicker Refresh PM. Here is the info on one to run past your vet:

What concentration is the Prednisone? Concentrations vary so without knowing the mg/ml it isn't possible to know how much medication he is getting. What matters is the mg figure.