"Liz Tveite"
Date: 2005-08-06 15:06:42 UTC
Subject: Anemic ferret
To: <>
Message-ID: <000f01c59a98$77737910$6401a8c0@DGLX6441>
Kai is a 2 year old male. He has started to lose weight and is very lethar=
gic. Noticed his paws and gums were very pale. I took him to his vet and =
he did blood work. =
Kai's hematocrit level was only 16 (normal in the 40 - 60 range). We have =
put him on Pediapred (2 times daily, 0.5ml each dose) for now and I've been=
doing feedings of Chicken Gravy every four hours. Trying to get him some =
Nutri-Cal into him at the same time.
He has been pawing at his mouth, too. His poops look fairly normal, no sig=
n of blood. They appear a little on the brownish-green side, but firmly fo=
Any ideas on what other action to take with him? We went into the vet on M=
onday and he is still so pale and thin. He does drink water at each feedin=
g while I hold him steady at the bowl.
Thanks, Liz