Message Number: SG15192 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-08-26 13:51:40 UTC
Subject: ferret severely anemic, mass in abdomen
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Please help if you can, I have a 5 yr old male ferret, Toby who is extremely lathargic pale nose and gums, took him to the vet and was found to have a very low red blood cell count and to be anemic, also did x-ray and was told to have a mass in upper abdomen by spleen or could be related to spleen but doc can't tell from x-ray. He was put on clavamox and given vitamin and mineral supplement for anemia, this was three days ago, he is still eating but still extremely lathargic, doc also suggested an ultra sound because she is unsure of what mass is. He is also very itchy and scratches alot, but right now has no hairloss. Has had hairloss in past but all hair grew back. I am very worried about him and think he won,t make it if I donot find something else to help him, also did blood work on him which came back normal, his glucose level was good. Please give suggestions, I am afraid I am going to lose him!!
