Russell Prater
Date: 2005-08-29 23:13:40 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Advice
Message-ID: <>
I'm not a vet, just a long time ferret owner. Ferretone and Ferretvite
are two good ones and most ferrets love them. Ferretvite has good
vitamins in it but also has a lot of malt sugar in case your ferret is
insulinomic. Ferretone is vitamins and oils. It is great as an attention
getter when you have to do something to the ferret, like trim nails or
give shots. I give Bonnie some Ferretone in a small bowl to lick up and
she doesn't even notice when her vet gives her her melatonin implant
with a 14 ga needle. We also squirt a half teaspoon on her belly to lick
off while we trim her nails. There are other similar products.
Ferretvite is amost identical to Nutrical and several companies make a
product similar to Ferretone. Linatone was the original. Remember, if
you are feeding your ferret a good diet he probably doesn't need
supplimental vitamins. wrote:
> Hello everybody! Thank you so much for all your help. Jeff is much
> better now with his new food. I would like to know if you can tell
> me about some good vitamins and supplies i can give him (6 years old)
> and my Brisa of 1 year old. I was looking for vita sol, ferretvite,
> furotone and duck soup. Is there any better than these? Thank you
> very much