Message Number: SG15358 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-09-14 04:18:23 UTC
Subject: RE: insulinmoa surgery
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There are always variables which are not known until a vet goes in. Also vet abilities differ, and so does the ability of the family to provide a safe enough situation post op (for instance no climbing at all post op for at least a week, preferably, two). Plus the people inteh family need to be observant because some insulinoma surgery ferrets go into diabetes for a while post-op. Otherwise, it's the same as always with such a situation: at that age yo need to at the very least for pre-op testing do a CBC with Chemistry Panel and a chest x-ray (At that age a chest ultrasound would make more sense...) We've had 8 year olds who had surgery. Ultimately, it isn't age itself that matters, it's the health of the individual.