Message Number: SG15596 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Regina Badriya Harrison
Date: 2005-10-06 23:30:08 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] prolapsed rectum--when is it ok to push back in?

My 3 1/2 year old ferret Seti has developed a prolapsed
rectum, I'm sure just today. Unfortunately I'm home without a
car at the moment, otherwise I'd be on the way to the vet's
now rather than typing this. We are going in tomorrow
morning. My question for now is reading through the archives,
I have seen references to pushing a prolapsed rectum back in
with the aid of some moisturizer (something like vasoline, I'm
guessing) if it isn't too severe, but since this is the first
time I've ever seen one in real life, I don't know what severe
looks like. I tried to take pictures, but Seti demonstrated
that he is feeling full of energy and that's a difficult part
of a ferret's anatomy to photograph single-handedly. I would
say it looks comparable in relative size to the kit at the
Miami Ferret health faq:

Seti is not quite so red, he's that red in the center but
normal flesh-colored at the edges. Is that something I could
try to push in on my own, or should I wait for the vet in the
morning? Am I likely to hurt him if I try to push it in and
it's too far out?

Thanks for any help you can give to a worried ferret mom.
Seti's had mucus-y bowel movements most of his life, and I
think this is the real wakeup call that we're probably looking
at IBD here :-(


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