Message Number: SG15687 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Joanne
Date: 2005-10-14 18:44:47 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Melatonin Implants... ferret dead!


THank you....

No, the implant went well. The vet said she did great for the huge needle. No sedation needed.

Pam Sessoms <> wrote:

Just out of curiosity, was the injection of the implant especially
stressful on her? It's a really big needle. Were any meds given to
sedate her or anything like that? With underlying heart disease,
sometimes a stressful event can be enough to bring about a sudden
worsening of the condition, or they might not tolerate sedation as
well as a healthy ferret.

That said, a small female ferret in a study by Dr. Cathy
Johnson-Delaney (published in JEMMS, vol 3.1, May 2005) did become
really lethargic after the implant was given, although no one knows if
this was really because the dose was too high for a small female or if
other factors were at work. With such a small sample, it is very hard
to tell. It is interesting, though, that your ferret had been doing
well on oral melatonin.

I am very sorry for your loss.

-Pam S.

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