Message Number: SG15737 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Xtasy Ferrets
Date: 2005-10-19 04:00:19 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] ADV test q's

>I have heard the following from multiple sources, all based on anecdotal
>- The United CEP test is the best generally-available one out there,
>though it can generate false positives
>- The Avecon ELISA saliva test isn't bad, but it has been known to
>generate false negatives
>- The Avecon ELISA quick-check home test is unreliable and should be avoided

>Now for a slightly different question: Both of the tests perceived as
>being less reliable share their use of saliva in common. If these tests
>really are less reliable, is it because of the use of saliva, or is it
>because it's easier to introduce contamination while taking a saliva
>sample as opposed to blood? Is there a "better" way of sampling saliva to
>protect against contamination?

I am not a scientist nor a veterinarian, however in my work as a rehab &
rescuer I know for a fact that the same issues with saliva
testing -according to our veterinarians (FIV) run true for the feline
tests. They are not as accurate and can yield false negative
reads. That does not answer your specific question-- but I feel it does
qualify the need for the public to realize the blood tests are the way
folks should be pointing to for accuracy and protection of ferret health,

my 2 cents,

Alicia D

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