Message Number: SG15801 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-10-26 08:08:33 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] Emergency advice post surgical please help

My 3.5 year old MF male ferret yesterday (MOnday)under went an adrenalectomy
and biopsies of the pyloric stomach and illeim (sp). for a suspected IBD.
The adrenal was only bout the size of a pinhead or so and the other wasn't even
visable. He was given a shot of Zeniquin and sent home with pills to follow up with
as well as a shot of torb was given before surgery. He was fasted 3 hours before
He came home very groggy as expected at 6:00pm. The surgery was at 1:00pm and
ended at 1:50pm. I took his temp and it was 101.4. I was told to make sure he
drank water and to force it if I had to. By midnight he still was out of it. I gave him 1
cc of very liquidy w/ water plain Gerbers Chicken. He threw it up immediately. Tried
again at 3:00am same thing happened. My reptile rock overheated before I got him
home from the vets so I had him sleeping on my chest or next to me in his carrier
for warmth. At 5:30am I put him in his cage so I could eat. At 6:30am I tried again
to feed him and he threw up. I left him in his cage all snuggled in polar fleece
blankets. Temp in my house was 68. I needed to sleep as I hadn't slept in over 48
hours. At 8:30am He was layingout in the open and cold. His temp was 94 or below
as that is as low as my thermometer goes. I freaked. Wrapped him against me and
put him and me under an electric blanket. Vet wasn't in until 10:15am I met him
there. At the vets his temp was up to 97.4. He gave him lacated ringers sub Q
(COLD), a shot of Zeniquin and an anti naseua med and put him in a carrier with a
heating pad. I picked him up at 6pm. Was told that he hadn't eaten but they tried to
feed him. The vet was gone. I took his temp before leavign the vets. It was 97.8. He
was just as out of it as when I left him but I was told he had been more active
earlier. As soon as I got home I tried to feed him and he threw up green bile looking
stuff. Nothing dark or cofffee ground looking. I called 3 emergency clinics and only
XXX had a avian exotic vet on staff. We talked extensively and it was determined
that I could give him sub Q here at home because the bill would be between $500-
$600 if I took him in. I gave him 30 cc of Normosol-R subQ. Put Karo syrup on his
gums and .5 cc of pepto bismol which he didn't throw up.I put a heater on him at 72
degrees and wrapped him in polar fleece. Now 3 hours later he dragged out and
urinated. Then just layed next to it. He is still cold. He is grinding his teeth when
awake. What can I do?
If I take him back to the vet who did his surgery I think I will get more of the same. I
just am not sure he can handle this case. It has been 40 hours since this ferret has
eaten and all he gave him was about 30 cc of cold lactated ringers. I just don't think
this is enough. I had asked on this list awhile back for a vet to mentor my vet but
had no takers. So can you at least help me decide what can be done? I don't want my
ferret to die. I have now been up 3 days straight because I was too scared to got to
sleep the night before his surgery. What can be given to him so that he can eat?
Should I give more subQ every 6 hours? OR what. I don't think my vet is bad he just
doesn't know. Please someone don't let my ferret die. Bythe way I am in Northern CA
so that is why their really aren't any super ferret knowledable vets around. My ferret
weighed 1020 grams the day before surgery. I have torb but decided against giving
him any tonight. should I? I will check my email every few hours so please write if
you have an idea. He will go back to the same vet armed with advice if I get some
otherwise I will have to take him to a strange vet. Thank you, MAry Jo


post surgical more info I forgot

Posted By: Mary Jo
Date Posted: Wed 26 Oct 2005 09:10:58
Body: Wen I took him in this morning his breathing was very raspy. But now it is
clear. He is moaning/groaning now is that pain? If I touch/pet him he grinds his
teeth. Thanks, Mary Jo

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