Message Number: SG15819 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-10-28 03:50:48 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] RE: How does casodex work

Dr. Weiss' article in that section reads


This is an oral drug available as a 50 mg tablet. This drug inhibits testosterone. It appears just as effective as Lupron to reverse straining to urinate, aggression and return-to-male sexual behavior. Most ferrets start to become more active and play more within 1-2 weeks. This drug can be effective for males and females (it just depends upon which hormone the tumor is producing). It should not be handled by pregnant women. Most pharmacies should be able to compound it into a liquid (including the compounding pharmacy above).

Protocol: 5 mg/kg once a day until all clinical signs resolve, then pulse therapy (one week on and one week off) for life.

Now, remember that in the bodies of BOTH females and males BOTH the androgens (so called "male" hormones") and the estrogens (so called "female hormones") are present. The amounts differ, but both genders in all of us animals have and need both. Estrogens provide over 100 already known functions in the body. In fact, it is even important for brain function. Androgens are probably more recent hormones and dozens of needs for those are known so far including maintaining muscle and bone mass. Not only do these hormones serve in the bodies of both genders but they can be converted back and forth to each other. (In fact, I was just recently having a talk with one vet here about how melatonin can reduce one of those conversions.) Not only that, but reproductive tissues are not the only producers of such hormones. The adrenal gland also produces them, and fat -- which is itself a very complex endocrinological participant in the body -- produces estrogens among other endocrinological products.

Notice that Dr. Weiss points out that whether Casodex will help the individual ferret depends on which of the various hormones the individual's own tumor turns out to be over-producing.

Author wrote:
> According to information by Dr. Charles Weiss, Casodex and Arimidex work both male and female ferret with adrenal disease. He wrote that it depends on a type of hormone increased. How does Casodex work in the female? Casodex is a inhibitor for an androgen receptor. Many symptoms in female is caused by estrogen. Arimidex which is inhibitor for estrogen synthesis is understandable for the female. Even if the androgen receptor in the female is blocked by Cadosex, would symptoms such as anemia and hair loss in female be recovered? Is there anybody who knows this question?
> Volker

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