Message Number: SG15829 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-10-30 15:11:41 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] RE: My Friend Ruckus

I realize that some vets do pre-op testing (such as the TN Panel) before surgery to see if the adrenal problems shows up on them. We have avoided such tests except with a few unusual presentations.

We DO get some other testing pre-op, though. We always get a CBC with Chemistry Panel, and for older ones or ones with certain symptoms that can point to cardiac problems we also get a chest x-ray or sometimes ultrasound.

Age itself usually doesn't argue against surgery in general (though we do think twice with ones who are close to 8 or older because it may not always be worth it then for the individual -- depending on the medical problem involved and the other options available).

Health can argue against surgery because of increased risks -- sometimes large ones -- so it pays to check that with those blood tests and sometimes the imaging. That way some hidden medical problems can be found --IF they are present -- and indicate that for that individual right now a medical approach would be better.

Saying that, I do have to add that we tend to be aggressive with surgery and that attitude has served us well.

As always, remember basic post-op pointers to be found in the archives, such as absolutely no climbing for at least the first week and preferably longer.

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