Message Number: SG15936 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Belinda Ann Davis
Date: 2005-11-12 02:38:34 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Genetics

I thought as much that there is something in the genes like you have mentioned and I
read so much about 2 main probs Insulinima and Adrenal.
Here in Australia we dont seem to have so much of this or I havent seen a post yet
from Australia from ferret lovers having these probs and I was thinking hard and
wondering why....
We dont have any Fancy ferrets here we dont even have Angoras so this could be why
and for this I am glad that we are not importing and keeping the breed strong.....Such
a shame isnt it,it could sure be the problem that in trying to breed "fancy ones" is
causing these ferts to have problems
regards Belinda
P.s Is there anyone here from Australia and have you had any of these illnesses come
up??Am interested to see......

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