Message Number: SG15947 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-11-12 22:53:26 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] RE: Health and Color Re: [ferrethealth] Digest 12 Nov 2005 17:06:30 -0000 Issue 1156

Author wrote:
> **Hmm - many of my first ferrets (not so many now, but I still have some)
> were silvers, and most were pretty healthy, easily living past five/six with no
> problems. I have a silver panda, in fact, that has now roaned out to a DEW,
> that is approaching seven. She did have adrenal disease develop shortly after
> she turned six, but not trouble with surgery.
> The breeders I am in contact with have not expressed that health issues in
> the silvers are any greater than in the other colors - any speculations on why
> you're seeing that, Chris?**
> Dr. Ruth
> *****************************************
> Save lives - spay or neuter your pet.

They aren't the same as our silvers or our roans. The terms are used differently in Britain and Australia.

There are real problems with the terminology used for ferrets' colorations and patterns causing confusion. Too many terms are used different ways among different groups of people, and some clumpings are not good ones. For example, "mitts and bibs". Complete, bilateral, evenly margined mitts and bibs which take the place of the standard darker mitts and bibs appear to have a different origin than partial ones. The complete socks/boots/mitts and bibs (which are bilateral and have even margins) do not seem to be related to any medical problems that I or anyone with whom I have communicated know about. On the other hand, partial ones appear -- strongly -- to be of neural crest genetic variant origin (with the KIT Oncogene being the strongest contender, and honestly that is not good news). There are also those who call individuals who seasonally look like pandas or blazes or who roan into pandas or blazes "pandas or blazes". Well, that causes problems because the panda or blaze heads forever in an individual are signs of neural crest genetic variants, but those who alter to look like that have different causes. (On the Ferret Genetics list in Yahoogroups they are usually called Wannabes or "acquired" whatever, or similar terms because genetically the groups are very different.)

-- Sukie (not a vet)
Ferret Health List co-moderator
FHL Archives fan
International Ferret Congress advisor

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