Message Number: SG15975 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "S.Hewett"
Date: 2005-11-14 03:01:30 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] genetics?
To: <>

Just one point I would like to mention. For years, my son was a shift
worker and when unemployed his body clock was out of wack. I'm an insomniac
(probably for the same reason as Sukie) so between the 2 of us, the lights
in our house frequently blaze all night long. My ferrets have a choice of
sleeping places, inside and out, but they mainly chose to be indoors where
their companion humans are. Still no adrenal disease. This is why I
consider reduced lighting to be of lesser importance than other factors.

I wonder if the folk that have 100% of their ferrets aquire adrenal disease
do something differently or if they only have fancy colours.

I can hardly wait for the outcome of the study!


> We know adrenal glands have LH receptors, and early spay
> neuter and long day photoperiods (ie American ferrets) raise
> the LH level. This stimulates the adrenal glands to produce
> the sex hormones and androgens and eventually this over
> stimulation of the adrenal gland disease causes adrenal gland
> disease.
> Jerry Murray, DVM
> Dallas, Texas

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