Message Number: SG16388 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Sukie Crandall
Date: 2006-01-21 19:17:56 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] a diabetes link with a plastics compound that mimics estradiol

There have been times when people here have asked about possible
health problems in ferrets in relation to plastics. Largely, it has
been hypothetical -- opinions and guessing which really don't help
much since they have nothing solid to go on.

There is now some non-ferret work on one plastic compound and diabetes:

>Diabetes from a Plastic? Estrogen mimic provokes insulin resistance

Some parts may (or may not -- there are still too many pieces missing
for ferrets) be of interest, for example:

> Nadal and his colleagues injected adult male mice with
> either bisphenol-A or an equal amount of the natural female sex
> hormone estradiol. Animals received as many as eight shots over 4
> days.

As you see, the dosing was high.

> Within 30 minutes of an injection, animals receiving either the sex
> hormone or bisphenol-A had abnormally low concentrations of glucose
> in their blood

> January Environmental Health Perspectives. The chemicals acted on
> recently discovered estrogen receptors on pancreatic cells'
> surfaces to boost the cells' secretion of insulin...
> Repeated exposure to either bisphenol-A or the natural estrogen
> over several days produced insulin resistance

> Estrogen receptors in the pancreatic-cell nucleus appear to
> contribute to this gradual effect.

The compound has also been under study as a possible contributor to
childhood obesity, and to gestational diabetes.

For more information, please, see the Science News article by Ben
Harder which is quoted, or seek out a copy of the "Environmental
Health Perspectives" articles through your loaning library, or both.

It seems that the newly discovered estradiol receptors of the
pancreas could perhaps be intriguing for study in relation to
simultaneous cases of pancreatic woes and adrenal ones (or pancreatic
ones following adrenal ones), and perhaps it would be especially
interesting to see if insulin resistance is more commonly seen if
there is also an adrenal growth due to the high output of estrogens
from diseased ferret adrenals. If so, then perhaps knowing if there
was/is also an adrenal growth may signal a reason for a vet to watch
a surgical patient especially carefully for a switch over to
diabetes, or perhaps it may impact the degree of post-surgical
diabetes. There are multiple possible speculations, of course, but
the latter seems to be the one for which there may be more pieces in
place at this point in time, so that possible research may be
stronger and easier to fund for a start, if my brain is working
right. Of course, this is merely speculation.

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