Message Number: SG16814 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Caitlyn Martin
Date: 2006-03-20 19:22:55 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] diarrhea

Hi, Angie, and everyone else,

--- chuck rothenstine <> wrote:

> I am trying to find out what I can use to treat
> diarrhea, what can I buy over the counter ? What
> are the correct dosages ? Can you give
> kaopectate,pepto-bismal? Any suggestions would be
> greatly appreciated.

Diarrhea can be caused by lots of things and it is
very important to know the cause before attempting
treatment. Some of the most common causes
(heliobacter, giardia) require antibiotics for
treatment which you can't buy over the counter. Sure,
kaopectate, which is safe for ferrets in small doses,
may provide short term symptomatic relief it won't
help cure any underlying illness or infection. You
really, really need to take your ferret to the vet,
not try and treat this yourself. If diarrhea persists
for more than a day or two it is almost always
something that needs vet treatment.

All the best,
Caity and the fantastic four
(Nyssa, Ella, Zephyr, and Chin Soon)

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