Date: 2006-03-28 07:24:46 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] My ferret's eye
My ferret is a 5 year old male and last June his right eye started swelling=
from behind the eye. We took him to the vet and they said that the eye wou=
ld have to be removed because it was too damaged from being so swollen and =
pushed outward. They weren't sure what exactly caused it. They said after t=
he eye was removed they were going to look and see what might have caused i=
t, an infection, abcessed tooth or something else. They sent him home the n=
ext day after recovery and about 2 months later that area began swelling ag=
ain. We took him back into the vet and they drained his eye and gave us med=
icine. After taking all the medicine, a few months later it swelled up agai=
n. Again, the vet just drained it and gave us medicine. This has been happe=
ning about every 2 months since the surgery and every time it swells it get=
s bigger and bigger. The vet is clueless, they don't get many ferrets as pa=
tients and aren't fully educated on things like this. If anyone has any hel=
p for me on what might be wrong or how to fix this please help!! It is gett=
ing very expensive to take him in every 2-3 months for them to just drain h=
is eye and give him medicine. I have looked around my area for a vet that d=
eals with ferrets more but they are not a popular pet in our area and I am =
having a hard time finding a vet that knows more than the one we are curren=
tly going to.
Thank you so much in advance to anyone who has any information or help they=
can give me!
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