Message Number: SG17127 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2006-04-17 01:33:54 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] Please help me with diarrhea

My ferret has had diarrhea for three weeks now. My vet started treating him with Clavamox but a week later she changed it to Omeprazole,Metronidazole and Clarithromycin. I am supposed to give these once a day for 14 days. It is a torchure to give these to him as he gags and paws his mouth really hard. I have been giving these to him for a week now and nothing has changed. He is still having diarrhea. His appetite seemes to be worse than even a week ago so I am force feeding him to make sure that he has food in him. I am not sure if I should make him eat or not. I am going to talk to my vet tomorrow and if anybody could help me with some more info I would be really greatful. I would love to do my best to help him get over this. Please please help me.
thank you

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