Message Number: SG17187 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Pam Sessoms"
Date: 2006-04-23 03:44:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Intro/ blood values information request

Hi Melissa,

This is purely anecdotal and isn't quite the data you were looking
for, but I have a possibly useful anecdote. I have 3 ferrets that
have been eating pretty much exclusively a very watery version of Bob
C's chicken gravy, with no kibble added, long-term. So it's not a
raw, liquidy, but it isn't kibble, and it is a meat-based diet that is
at least 70% liquid.

Now, one of these three ferrets has signs consistent with early
chronic kidney failure (crf). His creatinine is routinely elevated to
around 1.5 - 2.2, but his BUN is normal. His urine specific gravity
is always very low, so he's not concentrating urine normally. He
makes big, clear puddles on the papers they use for litter areas. The
other two ferrets on this exact same diet have normally concentrated
urine and make little small puddles of more yellow urine. They have
not had a chem panel run recently so I can't say what there creat/BUN
are, but the last time it was done, those values were normal and they
were on the same diet at the time.

So, anecdotally, I can say that I have two ferrets where a watery,
meat-based diet does not seem to be causing low urine SG.

Good luck with everyone,

-Pam S.

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