Message Number: SG17304 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Jen Phillips
Date: 2006-05-07 00:21:22 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] Diabetes after pancreatectomy
To: FHL <>

I am posting this message for a family member in hopes of getting some
much needed help.

My mothers ferret Kodo who has insulinoma, just had his partial
pancreatectomy on Wednesday. His glucose has been monitored since the
surgery and his readings were in the 114-118 range up until
yesterday(Friday) around 10pm when his glucose was 327, and has been
climbing ever since. Even after a 4 hour fast(Saturday morning) at his
vets request his glucose was 397. His latest reading was 408 @ 4pm
Saturday. He has been drinking and peeing more than normal and his eyes
appear to be glassy and "sleepy" looking.

I have contacted our local emergency center since all the local vets are
closed this weekend. Unfortunately the emergency center's exotics vet
that recommended trying the fasting glucose test is now out of town. We
were hoping they would be able to reach him but have we not heard
anything back.

We are really in a pinch at this point for what to do and hope that
someone on here can help. I am not sure if this is normal after this
type of surgery or if his glucose even out on it's own. Also, in case
this might be useful, his current medications are: Prednisolone 0.75ml
@ 6.7mg/5ml twice per day and his Melatonin is 1mg once per day and
Clavamox 0.25ml 2 times per day.

Happy Dookin',
The Hidey Hole Gang -
Jen, Mike & The Critters
The Ferrets - Loki & Vivi
The Rats - Ruby, Selphie, Boo, Rikku & Trillian
Missing Jamocha, Fria & Duke (ferrets)
Algernon, Plato & Mystique(rats)
Punk (hedgehog) & Dixie (chicken)

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