Message Number: SG17514 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2006-06-05 11:34:03 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] RE: Diarria. weakness

Author wrote:
> Micheal Kelly. Take action quickly you let your ferret around other ferrets BAD NEWS your fuzzy needs food/water It sounds more like ECE virus look up this its quick stool will look black/ulcers in throut cause gagging I just lost one of six I brought the virus home with a new ferret its not easy

Well, I am happy to see that Smartgroups is putting up posts today within minutes of arrival rather than up to 12 hours later. It lets me fit a reply into today's schedule.

Ngaire is right the ECE is among the things which need to be considered when diarrhea begins after exposure to other ferrets.

There are also other contagious causes of diarrhea in ferrets. Most of those are less severe, though some people call them "ECE". From Ngaire's description, though, that household is dealing with ECE, and I am sorry to hear that because I know how bad, how depressing, and how exhausting it is.

There is also currently a very bad strain of coccidia in two Arkansas shelters, but their vet has been logical enough to isolate them for a large number of weeks which will extend beyond the end of symptoms to make sure that it does not encase itself and then crop up again. Those who were around maybe 13 to 15 years ago will recall a strain that had massive simultaneous blooms and caused bleeding out. This strain sounds similar to that one.

Most causes of diarrhea will not cause as low a blood sugar as was seen, though sending out blood can itself also cause a drop over time. In that case though I would have expected the vet to also comment on the ALT since most non-ferret-vets don't know this stuff:


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