Message Number: SG17580 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Julie Rodriguez
Date: 2006-06-13 02:23:13 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] Thanks everyone!

I'm really overwhelmed by all the support and helpful information people
have been giving me. Thanks so much. I don't have time to respond to
everyone personally or I would, so just know how much it means to me.

She seems to be doing better. She's been put on prednisone and is more
energetic and seems to have recovered some function in her legs. Still
weak but seems much better than yesterday, and she's been eating a ton.
:) I'll be keeping a close eye on her for the next few days before I
feel really confident in her condition but so far things seem to be

Anyway, again, thanks for helping out this panicking ferret owner!


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