Date: 2006-06-21 04:45:26 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] Update:ECE Virus.
Sorry about punctuation. I will try harder. Cleo, Miko, & Repa are doing better. Repa is only eating duck soup, & treats, but is drinking on her own. Its been hard work the last seven weeks or so. Loki, the baby that made everyone sick, is fine, of course! I have been talking to Mashall farms on a weekly basis about this, & they don't know a lot about the virus because it is so new to ferrets. Dunkin our oldest did not get ill we assume he had it as a kit we do not know for he is rescue like the others. I have much care left for me for this virus can cause other problems that have not shown up yet. Like Dunkin the oldest about every 3 or 6 weeks he gets slimmy poo 1ml kaopectate daily for 2 -3 days hes fine. For all who read this for the poops only use kaopectate unless otherwise directed by a vet!
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