Message Number: SG17647 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2006-06-22 21:19:52 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] DVMs Please: transmission of coccidia

My little ones have been sick for quit awhile now. It appears that the new kit had
something that the other two have come down with (see http://
We have done three fecals on these three guys, all of which have come back clear of
coccidia oocysts. I have read many reports by non-vets, and one report by a vet
that these little buggers have been known to escape detection even after multiple
tests. This lets me to wonder if coccidia could be the cause of my three fuzzy's
illness (well, that and the fact that they dont seem to be responding to the current

My vet has told me that the fecal/oral transmission required for these parasites to
infect a healthy ferret would require that the healthy animal actually eat a significant
amount of the ill's animal's feces. If I understood her correctly, she does not beleive
that trace amounts of infected feces in water of food (from normal ferret activity),
transmission of small amounts of feces as a result of a combination of butt sniffing
followed by nose licking, or by having the health animal lick the floor where a
perfect cleanup of an accident by the infected animal are simply not sufficient to
transmit the parasites eggs (oocysts.)

My difficulty (concern) is that in my reading of reports of outbreaks of coccidia at
various business (groups of ferrets), it seems to me that the transmission of
coccidia is would have to be much more redially than is consistent with my vet's

It is also possible that it is my understanding of her (the vet's) reasoning may be
where the flaw lies, so if there is some other reason why two health adult ferrets are
unlikely to become infected by an new kit (3 month old) who has coccidia (despite
clear fecal) please help clear things up for me.

Would one or more of the vets and experienced members here please address this
concern? Thank you.

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