Message Number: SG17672 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2006-06-26 16:30:37 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] Distended Abdomen & High Liver Value

Our Precious Peanut was rushed into the vets last Wednesday, June 21, because she was lethargic, had intermittent vomiting, not eating or drinking and rapid weight loss. She looked on the verge of being emaciated. She looked disheveled and much older than her 13 months.
The vet got a blood sample and sent it out and it came back that something is going on with her liver, her SGPT (ALT) was 724, while the SGOT (AST) was 233. The vet placed her on .50cc of Hepato BID and .25cc Clavamox BID.
We returned to the vets yesterday, June 25, because after being placed on the medications her abdomen became distended or swollen looking. An x-ray was taken, which showed air in her stomach. The vet prescribed .10cc of GasX TID, which we gave with no results. In fact this AM her abdomen is more distended and she is very lethargic. In the past 72 hours, she has passed 3 stools that were hard, glossy in appearance, with the last one getting stuck in her rectum at 2:00 AM today.
After searching the archives for distended abdomen, bloating/bloated ferrets, I found very little (12 posts over a 5 year period), does anyone have any experience with this kind of thing, or even know what it might be and how we can help relieve this quickly? I need help as we have completely exhausted our saving trying to resolve this issue with our precious baby girl. If she requires surgery, then we are up a creek without a paddle as our vet will not work with us.
Thanks everyone in advance, and if our little baby makes it and could thank you herself, she would.


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