Message Number: SG17716 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Tabatha Wright
Date: 2006-06-29 01:59:41 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Update on the midget ferret.

Thank you for the info. Baba is health as far as what the vet can find, nothing wrong
with him. It is not easy to do a check up on such a tiny ferret even the vet smallest
stethoscope is massive compared to Baba's tiny chest. They would not do his shot
cause of his small size and I was told I can forget about getting him neutered if he
does not start to grow. Surgery is out of the question on a ferret his size they do not
know how much anesthetic to give and still be safe. He is getting stronger each day
and has started to climb out of the baby bed I was keeping him in. His new home is a
Super Pet hamster cage with a hamster corner litter pan, igloo, and had to get gekco
food dishes the hamster ones were to tall for him to get into. I would have gotten him
the hamster for a playmate only it was bigger then him.

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