Message Number: SG17874 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Lynne Fink
Date: 2006-07-14 17:09:06 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Violent aversion to food. Vets seem puzzled. Please advise.

Hi Desear,
First off, I'm not a vet or anything close. Just another ferret Mom. How old is your
baby? Have you tried her on any other type of food besides the Totally Ferret?? I ask
this because a no. of years age we had been feeding one kind of food for a long time
and suddenly all the babies began to get sick and have an aversion to the food. We
changed their food and after a few days all seemed to go back to normal again. We
found out that the company that made the food had changed the recipe and apparently
it no longer agreed with them, ( also tasted different). Since then (about 10 yrs) we
have always had a mix of 3-4 different foods, sometimes more, so that if one changes
they will still have something they are familiar with.
I don't know how old your baby is but even our 6 yr olds still play hard, although not
as long as the young ones.
I hop your little one is better soon.
Hugs and prayers,
Lynne and the brats

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