Message Number: SG17879 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2006-07-14 18:04:19 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] RE: Morbidly Obese Ferret - Please Help

Wow - that is scary (and sorry for your loss).

I thought I should include some additional information that I did not include in the original post:

Shadow had full run of the house 24/7, until I had to start his diet. Now at night, I have him in his cage with 1/5 cup of kibble mix (Totally Ferret, 8-in-1 Ultimate, The Ferret Store Brand Natural, and Eukanuba Lamb & Rice). I have two other ferrets that are free roam at night, so that they can still have access to their regular amount of food. I am considering switching to a strictly meat diet - blending cooked chicken and beef with broth and a little ferretone, to avoid any fillers from the food. But am hesitant due to the need for full nutrition (vitamins). The vet has suggested only 3 small feedings per day, but that is VERY difficult with the other two needing 24-hour access to a full dish, and Shadow's need for time out of the cage and not being separated from his mates.

The vet did have biopsies (aspirations) of the mass in his chest - which revealed no cancerous cells. The cells were "lymphotic" but not malignant (not sure the difference though). But both ultra sounds (abdominal and cardiac) came back revealing only fat.

As for enrichment - I try EVERYTHING - he just speed bumps (Flat ferret) the entire time. Last night (after it cooled down), I took him outside. At first he fought to get back inside, but once I placed him in the yard, he had to move around. Eventually he started sniffing things. Unfortunately, time was cut short by dogs barking (I didn't want to stress Shadow out), so we came back in. I'm trying again tonight. I also have tons of tunnels, tubes, crocheted eggs, bags, boxes, and toys for him... and I get down on the floor with him anytime he's awake and willing to be near others. The other kids try to engage him, but he whines, and they stop and play by themselves. Even the blanket rides don't interest him - he lies there and if he rolls off, doesn't follow to get back on.

I'm at a loss with him. He used to love chasing the cat, playing in the tunnels and tubes, and playing with his cage mate. But now he just lies there and watches... then goes back to bed or begs for food. Any tips/thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time.

Author wrote:
> He died on Sept. 5, 2004. We had a necropsy done and this is what we found out:
> "Fritz's necropsy showed adenocarcinoma in the liver, which had metastasized into one of his abdominal lymph nodes and showed signs of further spread. There was necrosis in the liver. The actual cause of death is suspected to be cancerous tissue that lodged in his coronary artery."
> When I looked at Shadow's picture, it reminded me EXACTLY of how Fritz looked.
> Good luck with your baby. Please post any findings on thyroid issues or whatever you find out on the FHL, so we can all learn.

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