Message Number: SG17939 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2006-07-20 00:41:52 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] herniated disk

hi. =

I just read this and sorry got tears in my eyes because we just lost our de=
ar Micky to a similar problem. Yes he started with a herniated disk, I thin=
k he had a fall on his back. He could not move his hind legs at all, but al=
so lost control of his bladder(could not expel urine), in any case, he star=
ted improving a bit every day , with the steroid treatment so we kept tryin=
g. We used electroacupuncture which does help even though progress is very =
slow. =

Unfortunaltely after two and a half months of very slow improvement, he sli=
pped out of my hands andfell again on the same injured spot and that parali=
zed him completely . from the waist backso we had to put him to sleep . He =
was in too much pain and suffering too much.
Anyway what I feel that did a lot of good was the electroacupuncture which=
is a method consisting of putting a series of needles along the spine and =
using electrical stimulation for approx. 15 minutes, every other day.I don=B4=
t know if where you live , any vet specializes in that. Surgery is very dif=
ficult and risky.
If you want to know a place which sell and makes wheels for ferrets it=B4s =
I just returned to them a set of wheels which I ordered for Micky, however =
they did not really work on him because he could not lift his back off the =
floor and that complicated matters.
Maybe they could adapt the set which I just returned to them to suit your f=
I hope I have been of some help to you.
Doris =


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