Message Number: SG18227 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2006-09-10 00:41:14 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] Sleep apnea?

Many of you know that I recently lost two ferrets who had been with me for many years. They have always been with me, as far as my current ferrets know. The current boys are two older gents (6 years old) and Rocky, a 3 year old who survived meningitis (thanks to Lisa Leidig and input from some of you) and is not the brightest bulb in the box. He displays a few balance issues and holds his head at a tilt. He will often sleep with his head hanging and has a bit of trouble supporting his neck if he lies on his back. I am not sure if there are any other neurological issues.

Now that you know the players, and the background leading up to it, this is what happened. This past week, a day or so after losing Maggie, the ferrets were out. I was ready to go to bed and found Sammie in Maggie's old spot, Jersey in Shadow's old spot and Rocky eluded me. I went to bed and was surprised to feel a furry warm spot under the covers! I pulled Rocky to me and he sighed, breathing audibly. Suddenly, he stopped breathing! About 20 seconds later, he did it again. This happened several times and I watched him to make sure he was okay, but he never seemed in distress. He did not snore, just stopped breathing for a while.

So, I have the question - do ferrets experience sleep apnea? Should I be concerned? Any comments? Any takers? I eagerly anticipate your input! Thank you!

renee :)
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