Message Number: SG18228 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2006-09-10 00:57:24 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] RE: Sick ferret - possible pancreatitis

Anna, it is so hard to nurse a ferret for so long and then to lose it. And, when you
have a bonded pair, it is hard to lose one. I have done both.

Recently I posted about losing my 9 year old Maggie, who suddenly took a turn for
the worse, although she had been stable for a while. She stopped eating and I
decided not to force her. I did make her take the meds and she was not happy with
me, but took them. Sometimes, when they stop eating, they are telling you they are
ready to go. Only you know though. If he is eating and drinking, he is getting

My policy is not to force feed, but keep them comfy with their drugs. If the drugs
are not necessary to keep him comfy and alive, maybe there are some you can stop.
Check with the vet. Remember that the ferret does know about his body and his
needs. He may be trying to tell you something. I really do understand, and when my
ferrets have fought me so violently, I have skipped a dose to give them a break.
Only you can decide, though, what you are going to do. Again, check with the vet
and see if you can safely stop anything you are giving. He may then willingly take
one med.

Ferrets grieve in their own ways. I expect his sister is doing that and she is
concerned about him. You may find that she responds to losing him better than to
his being sick. I lost two in the past 6 weeks and all three of my remaining ferrets
have grieved differently. I had one in 1995 who just really lay down and cried. After
three weeks, my other ferret grabbed her and made her play. She lived until 2001.
You may find that the sister WILL find someone she decides to bond with.

Good luck. It is hard. Let us know how things go.

renee :)
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