Message Number: SG18236 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Daniel E. McLain"
Date: 2006-09-10 16:59:17 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] RE: Melatonin
To: <>

Needles are recommended for single use although they are frequently
recycled, particularly the more costly items. One test of needle sharpness
used to be the degree of latex disk bend when poked with a needle (they
don't do this anymore because of latex allergy issues). To visualize,
imagine stretching a deflated balloon with both hands/fingers, and then
having someone poke their finger into this stretched area. Viewing it from
the side you can see how far the finger stretches the material downward.
Needle sharpness is (or used to be) measured by the amount of
stretch/distance (low stretch = sharper needle) before a needle will poke
through a latex disk. As you might imagine, these distances are very small!
However, if we equate pain to pressure then it makes sense that the more you
have to press a needle to penetrate the skin the more pain will be
experienced. Admittedly, the change in degree of pain experienced will be
almost undetectable at first, but then increasing with increasing dullness.
Needles are made of stainless steel, but so are you kitchen knives which
dull over time.

More critical would be the silicone used to facilitate the needle glide
through the tissue. An unlubricated needle will pass through tissues, but
not with the same fluidity that a lubricated needle will. Also, skin tends
to "squeegee off" the lubricant with each use so that less is available with
repeated use. Sterilization may also alter the chemical properties of the
silicone, decreasing the lubricant property. Unlubricated needles may also
"stutter" as they pass through the skin. To visualize this, push or pull
your finger over a piece of flat glass and sense the resistance. Then add
corn oil to the same glass surface and notice the difference.

Taken together, recycled needles will dull and become less lubricated with
each use. That's why they are eventually disposed of (when poking becomes a


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 1:51 PM

It is my understanding that a dull needle does not necessarily translate
into more pain...any more advice on this?

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