Message Number: SG18333 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2006-09-23 13:39:18 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] Adrenal ferret with diarrhoea

My friend's ferret is a 7 1/2 year old neutered hob. He has had adrenal disease for about 2 years, is being treated with the 2mg, 4 month depot of Lupron. He has recently developed hind leg weakness and diarrhoea and doesn't seem to be able to control his bowel movements, he walks along and leaves a trail of diarrhoea. In his cage he also messes everywhere. He is on prednisolone for dermatitis, I think about 0.8 mg twice a day.

My friend's vet is not very good and his diagnosis was arthritis in regards to the hind end weakness. Blood glucose was normal. He also eats well.

What tests could the vet do and what could be wrong with my friend's ferret?

His blood results were:

ALB 2.6 g/dl
ALP 76 U/L
ALT 299 U/L
AMY 38 U/L
TBIL 0.3 mg/dl
BUN 20 mg/dl
CA 9.5 mg/dl
PHOS 5.9 mg/dl
CRE 0.4 mg/dl
GLU 88 mg/dl
NA+ 155 mmol/l
K+ 4.6 mmol/l
TP 7.9 g/dl
GLOB 5.4 g/dl

WBC 11.12 10^9/l
LYM 1.20- 10^9/l
MON 0.57 10^9/l
GRA 9.35 10^9/l
LY% 10.8 - %
MO% 5.2 + %
GR% 84.1+

RBC 9.57 10^12/l
HGB 15.8+ g/dl
HCT 44.34 %
MCV 46 fl
MCH 16.5 pg
MCHC 35.6 g/dl
RDWc 16.1 %

PLT 753 10^9/l
PCT 0.83 %
MVP 11.0 fl
PDWc 41.7 %

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